PracticeMakers Products, Inc.

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PracticeMakers Products, Inc. was established in 1970 by Louis Sportelli, D.C., to provide high quality, patient education material to doctors of chiropractic. The company was founded because much of the patient education material in use by the profession was not, in the opinion of Dr. Sportelli, accurate or very professional in appearance.

The first product to be introduced was a patient education booklet entitled Introduction to Chiropractic, now in its 9th edition. Other products for patient education were developed such as anatomical wall charts, patient education videos, and brochures for patient education.

Additionally, Dr. Sportelli, recognized the need for materials to help protect the doctor from the ever-increasing litigious nature of society and to increase the informaiton about the changing nature of health care and the need for credible practice management concepts. Books and tapes were developed dealing with risk management and marketing a successful chiropractic practice with today's societal demand for accountability and credibility of their health care providers.

His products carry with them an unconditional guarantee of satisfaction or return them for a full refund. Products are shipped the same day as ordered.

Dr. Sportelli still maintans a very active practice in Palmerton Pennsylvania and has been practicing since 1962. He has lectured around the world on practice management, risk management, ethics, managed care, marketing and public relations. He is active in his local, state and national associations and has served as national spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association.

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How to Contact PracticeMakers Products, Inc.

To Order: Call 1-800-345-3099
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PracticeMakers (tm) Products Inc.
PO Box 213
Palmerton, PA 18071-0213

PracticeMakers Products, Inc. may be contacted by Phone or Fax:

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