Chat Logo - 7.36 K

COT is pleased to offer a "Live Chat" area. To make your experience as comfortable as possible, we have decided to utilize Virtual Places software. Specifically, VP version 2.1.
Have VP .... Surf to Topics Area
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alert.gif COT is also testing a 'live' Java Chat software alert.gif
(Java supported Browser needed.)

COTs Live Chat ..
the place to gather for Live Discussions.

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VP allows for up to 25 viewers on any particular WWW page to interact with each other in live chat discussions. If you are familiar with VP, and have it installed on your system, please surf to our Topics Area.

If you are not familiar with VP, please Download the particular flavor of VP which is best suited to you. Once installed, Log on to the Net, start up VP, and then please return to this page and surf to our Topics Area to enjoy COTs interactive online experience.

If there are any questions about upcoming events or inability to access the COT Chat Lounge, please contact Internet AdCom Services.

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(Note: Download times about 15 mins on a 33.6 modem)

Virtual Places Software for Windows 95 (32 bit version)

Virtual Places Software for Windows 3.1(16 bit version)

Virtual Places Software for Macintosh (680x0)

Virtual Places Software for Macintosh Power PC

If you experience any downloading difficulties, please surf to Virtual Places home page.

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Please come in and choose a Lounge Topic.
Yes, there are some rules:

turq.gif - 1.01 K Consideration of others in your room;
turq.gif - 1.01 K Observe rules of Netiquette;
turq.gif - 1.01 K No Cursing or obscenities
Ok, now that we've got that out of the way, take your shoes off, find a comfortable sofa, and relax. COT is working on scheduling of specific Topics of Discussion. Please check back and visit often for updates.

[ Student Lounge ]        
[ Doctors Lounge ]
[ Patient's Lounge ]
[ After Shift Lounge ]

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Chiropractic OnLine Today and COTs Chat Lounge
© 1995 - 1998 Internet AdCom Services